Monday, May 27, 2019

LA profesora ingles murcia ella es experta en b2 examen.

big booty pero es una profesora en la escuela oficial idiomas murcia y en  sexy english teacher .

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

the best english language schools children in murcia spain

el mejor colegio en murcia españa. cuando el ranking salio los padres en 3 colegios privados y concertados tenian un MOTIN... querian saber por que pagan 1000 al mes para nada..

Friday, May 10, 2019

Numero ! en toda España Facultad de Informática de la Universidad de Murcia

mucha gente crea que la mejor universidad en espana en informatica es una universidad en el norte.. o en una universidad privada.Desde 2013 la universidad de murcia un centro publica es lider en informatica con intercambios en 11 paises y colaboracion con 27 empresas en el mundo.En españa hay informatica en madrid barcelona valencia cartagena pero umu es numero 1 segun rankstats..un grupo de profesores de harvard mit cambridge.supongo que ellos saben algo

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Alfonso X el sabio Murcia, the top school in “The best schools i...

many parents in private schools in Murcia were asked why pay for a concertado all english school when Alfonso x is free. Many responded that the private was better. When shown the rankstats oficial data from Harvard and Cambridge and gob es .they were surprised that Alfonso produced better graduates for better universities.. more scholarships and higher maths and science. Even in english language Alfonso is tied with lemon and kings in number of students with C2 certificates.. seems you cant get above that level.

so why pay or choose a private or concertado school.. the main reason was to keep out the low class kids.poor families and inmigrant children.. However these very children are winning the places in med school law school scholarships to Harvard mit Oxford ie Madrid.. They are being recognized.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


the best school in murcia is not private is not all english is not all white.. it is alfonso x el sabio.. it is not the opinion of the parents or the teachers.. it is.. the fact that on all exams alfonsox has the best scores and the top ten in murcia students are from alfonso x..

Alfonso X Murcia es un centro gratis y  único de exploración, aprendizaje y desarrollo personal que prepara, de la mano de los profesores y padres, a nuestros niños y niñas para la vida real, para un mundo cada vez más bilingue y cambiante, con un inglesgarantizando  en su éxito personal y profesional.

For the seventh year running, Alfonso X School Murcia has been selected as one of the 30 top schools in Spain. Published by El Mundo newspaper  our school appears in their supplement “Top 20 schools 2019-20”.
Evaluating all private public  and part-private schools in Spain, the ranking is based on a thorough analysis of 25 criteria including teaching & learning, the curricular offer and facilities & resources.

Friday, April 5, 2019

losmejorescolegiosmurcia2015: el mejor colegio en toda murcia no es concertado n...

losmejorescolegiosmurcia2019: el mejor colegio en toda murcia no es concertado n...: Los mejores colegios en murcia en 2019. Entre los centr...

the best schools children in murcia spain alfonso x el sabio

parents in some private schools that charge a thousand a month were quite upset when alfonso won the cup. They tried to hide the truth. to transfer the school director ..see article from ny times.

the best school in murcia is alfonso x el sabio for 4 years in a row.      Rankstats is not the opinion of students parents or teachers.It is a study of external exams that all children take on the same day with no outside hacking no rich parents buying copies  .no scandals like in america now. Rankstats is harvard university and cambridge with ie madrid looking at test scores scholarships to elite universites and english language levels.

 Rankstats does not look at uniforms prices parents income or ipads in the school.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Best School In Murcia

Murcia has public private and concertado schools. some are bilingual others are english all day.

it is difficult to say which school is best all around.

ies Alfonso x el sabio  since 2004 has won the award  12 times more than any other school and has been the winner in 2016 2017 and 2018..

The best math program in all murcia according to the regional exam all kids take same day in every school.

The best english according to cambridge.. The private english schools have few kids with C2 but most have C1 as C2 is impossible without living in an english speaking country and the private english all day schools cannot duplicate that experience.Alfonso x el sabio has as many kids with C2 as the private english school and the same with C1

In terms of scholarships its alfonso x el sabio again. Each year the prestigious ISEP grants go to 100 murcia kids and in 2017 30 went to alfonso more than any expensive private school. In 2017 it was 37. In 2018 there were 41 grants in alfonso x and now in 2018 proud to accept 44 grants more than any so called prestigious school.

Want to be a doctor.. alfonso is number 1 here too as its science dept has an agreement with the university murcia medical school to pre accept and only in alfonso .

the only thing alfonso doesnt win at is sports religion and cost..
tve tv espana with alfonso x el sabio murcia. the best school for english math medicine.
its public so it has to be better. enven the local politicians have kids here and the richest 3 families in murcia have their kids here. curious tv interview.

LA profesora ingles murcia ella es experta en b2 examen.

big booty pero es una profesora en la escuela oficial idiomas murcia y en  sexy english teacher .